Why Trump May Win
Impossible you say? You would think so if you paid any attention to your social media news feeds. There’s a serious hate on for this guy. The anger, the frustration and the pure fear of Donald J Trump is palpable.
Yet, as of today, September 27th, 2016 — he by all accounts — could be the next president of the United States.
Mind boggling hardly begins to describe what is happening to our South. It’s like watching Nascar, knowing full well that there could be a massive pile up at any second and hanging on every lap with that knowledge. You can’t look away, you don’t want to look away, even though the potential outcome could be catastrophic.
How then, with all we know about the Donald, is he poised to be the leader of one of the most powerful nations on Earth?
Come with me for a moment, let me bend your mind as I take you on a journey of impossibility in an impossible world. We’ll start with the most important fact we know — Trump is not fit to lead this country. Anyone who can’t see it is simply delusional. OK, now that I got that out of the way…
Imagine you wanted to convince simpler people to do something that they may never normally do. Now imagine that you have yourself an ego maniac on the loose who is hungry for power, recognition and feeding his enormous, narcissistic brain. The perfect storm.
Using the scientifically vetted and systematic approach to getting people to do what they normally wouldn’t do — you employ Reverse Psychology.
On one side of the coin, you have a person that continually lies, breaks the rules and seems only interested in furthering their own agenda who you are being told is the lesser of the two evils. On the other side is a brash, boorish, almost half-witted buffoon who you are being told, under no circumstances, not to vote for.
The end game? Well, that’s where my theory gets really interesting and, to back up my thesis I will take a page out of my local political play book called the dump and run. The dump and run essentially looks like this: (remember, this is my theory) party A which has been in power and dominated the political landscape for 4 decades decides they can’t weather the storm that’s coming. Party B comes along with their radical, almost whimsical ideas about politicking and, pre-economic collapse — they seem like a breath of fresh air compared to the staunch and stale ruling party. The ruling party tells us “don’t vote for B, it will be a mistake.” but we don’t listen because, we simply don’t like being told what to do and at this point in time, we’re pretty sure we know better. The election is held and a rather startled B party takes the helm and inherits one of the most devastating recessions this province has ever seen.
I have a theory that Trump is a giant patsy. He really has a limited knowledge of world politics and the way they work. He has money. He has a big mouth and has a very simplistic view (much like his supporters) of the world, religion and race. He hits a nerve with the American public and then, to drive his message home even further — the most pretentious of the media, the richest moguls and mired politicians are shaming his supporters and telling them what a big mistake they’re making. Hillary even refers to his supporters as “deplorables.”
The people at the top; the 1% and those who continue to prop them up are not stupid. They didn’t get there on guesswork. Their power and wealth comes from an innate ability to be one step ahead — if not twenty. It’s like a game of chess and those 1% are the masters of the game.
Then what is the end game? Remember, I deal in theories based on observations. There’s probably nobody out there that can convince me that the Conservative party didn’t drop the massive economic disaster in the NDP’s lap. No more than you’ll convince me that the absurdity of the American Presidential race hasn’t already been scripted and decided.
A Trump win would potentially open the gates for George Soro’s dream of a massive race war in the United States and at the very least, a great excuse to implement marshal law and prepare for the inevitable economic collapse. Now, there are a few other theories that could play parallel to all of this happening and that is WWIII, instigated (possibly) by North Korea and, with Trump’s rhetoric on China — the potential for a global economic meltdown never before seen in our history.
When the dust settles, the United States can point to Trump and the people that voted him in. Hillary’s Democrats will be waiting in the wings to save the day and the American people will never be the wiser to the dump and run.
Sure, my theory sounds crazy but no more so than some of the other theories going around. And let’s be honest here — there is nothing normal about what’s happening in this race. It seems to me that if the Democrats really wanted to win this one, they would have put all the weight and effort behind Bernie.
Thanks for reading.