The Truth.
It’s a noun. It’s a fucking noun. It’s fact.
What exactly is this word all about? I guess it depends on who you talk to. There are varying degrees of truth all over the world and, your perception of the environment providing that truth…
It’s all bullshit. We believe what we want to believe. This then becomes our truth. And really, that’s all that matters. Actual facts be damned in a world where we are used to getting what we want — at all cost.
I believe in aliens. That’s my truth. You don’t? Well, that means you’re wrong, in my world. Granted, there are a few million or more that will side with me because, in their world; this is truth. So you can start your chiding now - that low, hidden chuckle under breath that demonstrates your derision but still gives you a way out, in case my truth becomes yours.
The rub. The ego is an ugly bed fellow. With the exception of a few, perhaps misguided fools, most of us want nothing to do with being wrong. There are many self-deprecating acts we can partake in but being wrong is generally that one side of the conversation we don’t want to be on.
So we take in all the information we can, process it, mull it over and then we pronounce our faith based on the best case scenario for landing on the right side of — right?
I’m never on that side. I mean, that’s not entirely true. There are times where I want to be on the right side of the conversation but, if I have to dismiss that nagging voice in the back of my head — chances are I’ll be on the wrong side.
It’s almost become comfortable. That area where I know abuse is coming, where anger and a certain, although misguided, attempt to set me right by those who have chosen the “right” side of the argument come at me with all the conviction a first page google search can afford them.
There’s nothing wrong with being wrong. I choose that side often because it gives me clarity. Even if I have to admit defeat and accept that I chose the wrong truth, the journey gives me closure. Acceptance is definitely more rewarding when you’ve been humiliated. And humiliation is the price you pay for challenging the — truth.
Now this wouldn’t be a big deal if there was only your truth and their truth. But we know that’s simply not the case. There is truth in all its many forms and even when its false; it’s a truth in itself.
I should probably clarify: We call this the “gray” area (grey if you’re in the US) and this area is like the holy grail of truth. It’s a nomenclature, of sorts, because, you can pick it. Gray is a wide, vague path of truthfulness that is custom tailored to suit everyone’s needs. Once we understand the guidelines, the rules (as you would) of truth, it’s infinitely easier to find, and settle on a truth that meets the requirements for you and everyone else who is smart enough to choose that truth.
What makes it so incredibly remarkable in the times we now live is how everyone is right, even if they’re wrong. The benefit of the doubt and all. There are no losers. Everyone gets a ribbon. Good job on participating in the conversation. You don’t have to understand — just acknowledge that enormous latitude we’ve afforded you not to be wrong.
Combine this with the barrage of noise coming your way through an 8 inch screen and one can hardly blame you for not wanting to dig a little deeper. The truth really isn’t the end game here. It’s a mere inconvenience in the grand scope of the life laid out before you. Priorities? If you haven’t figured out what you’re required to do at this point, chances are you’re living at home or, you’re in a home.
You know that saying ? “trust your gut” ?
We’ve gone well past that. I would suppose that few go to that well anymore because there’s an expert in every corner ready and willing to guide you through the gauntlet of misinformation, propaganda and the corporate agenda. Your choices, while they may feel genuinely yours are probably tied to someone else’s agenda. Their truth.
The big question I have for you — when’s the last time your rolled the dice and took the chance of siding with wrong?
The truth might set you free.