Social Shaming

The Bastard
6 min readApr 4, 2015


A history of mob of rule

My earliest experience with social shaming would have been 44 years ago, at best recollection and a moment in a school yard where a young boy pointed out the rather large circumference of my head. At 6 years of age, thrown into a new school environment, with a group of other, impressionable young children, I did not have the developed tools to deal with A. The fact that my head was inordinately larger than was deemed normal at the time, by a peer and B. That the other kids would join in at said moment and echo the sentiment.

It was confusing. No understatement here and the scar ran deep and influenced my growth for many years. Looking back on the moment, it set the stage for creating the person I am today. Without that experience, this person may have become just another follower, echoing the sentiments of the mob rule, rather than choosing a life open to criticism and judgement.

I share this with you not so that you can feel sorry for me. While the experiences of my youth were harrowing, they made me stronger, more resilient and less impervious to ridicule. The upside was my desire to take risks, to step out on the ledge, to share my ideas (like this blog) without fear of what people may say or think.

The year is 2015. We live in a world of open platforms, transparency, large, unobstructed networks where you can share the meal you’re eating, a joke, a mood that you’re feeling or a self realized image of yourself for others — to like or not in mere seconds of the transmission.

There is no lack of people willing to step out on the ledge. There is no lack of people willing to mock, condemn, criticize or give the coveted thumbs up to said action(s).

A lot hasn’t changed since those days in a schoolyard some half century ago…

An unspoken rule that has probably been around since the advent of religion and perhaps — into many more millennium — “don’t rock the boat”

Sadly, even in this day and age, it’s how people get killed. Saying what’s on your mind, going against the grain, defying empirical and religious law, societal norms are all recipes for disaster if you’re one of those people that simply can’t go along.

Now if you live in North America — no biggie, right? What about if you live in Palestine, Israel, Iraq, Iran or any number of countries where sharing your belief can put you in jail or worse. Hold on though. It’s not just these places where your ideas can cause you harm. If you choose to be of Muslim faith in North America, you’ll quickly make a list. This is not a list you want to be on as it can mean your loss of freedom, without warrant or cause.

Even right here in Canada — to proclaim yourself any one of the deemed “radical” beliefs can mean a life of internment (especially if bill C-51 gets passed) but even if not. If our government was to find you a risk because of your religious beliefs, you could be detained, harrassed and even shipped off if you’re birth place was not this country.

Funny. I didn’t venture out today to start writing about government policies or religion…and yet, my thoughts and ideas all culminated to this point.

My ideas, in regards to mob rule have a wide brush and pertain to how we conduct ourselves as a society. We latch on to the absurd, dismiss the reality and condemn those thoughts that stray too far from what has been standardized in the…

Holy shit! Exactly who is running this thing right now?? Call it an epiphany or, indigestion but it just dawned on me that every second of every day, we’re all making decisions, drawing lines in the sand and picking sides based on whose rule? Is it popular choice? Is it informed? Or, is it indoctrinated?

There’s always something that drives me to sit down and share thoughts on a page and today’s excerpt comes from an article I was reading about Autism. It’s a big word these days and in most circles on social media, Jenny Mcarthy and Vaccines lead to a lot of finger pointing, name calling and incredulous anger.

What’s driving the anger?? It’s mob mentality of course. While my head size might be in question, mob mentality’s discourse shows that my head doesn’t fit within societal norms so should therefore be ridiculed. Yup. It’s that simple and that telling.

This isn’t a vaccine piece. And I’m getting to my point…

Oh yes, Autism — “Autism is the fastest growing developmental disability with an annual price tag estimated at $60 billion and expected growth of 17 per cent,” This comes from Arc Capital website if you feel inclined to google it.

While everyone is screaming to be heard in the vaccine debate, there are few paying close attention to some startling statistics. Statistics that should have everyone scared to death and looking for answers. But instead — they’re pointing and laughing at the kid with the big head.

Autism, Diabetes, Cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons. Anyone want to know what these all share in common? They’re all a 1000 times more common then they were only 20 years ago. So while you’re all saying nasty things to each other in regards to stuff like the measles, whooping cough, chicken pox and the likes which have been around since the beginning of time, we’re all ignoring a big, ugly picture.

One parent, in the debate of vaccines explained to me that it’s herd mentality. We must protect the herd. I think about this when I look at a herd of cows and those that lead the rest to the slaughterhouse. I know they have good intentions but, the indoctrination is such that if a handful take the lead, then it stands to reason that everyone else should fall in line.

And here’s where I wrap this shit up and get to my point. I understand herd mentality and I also understand the safety in numbers. What I don’t understand is the need of people shaming others that choose to ask questions, to look for answers beyond what is presented. Do you really think those people that choose to go against the grain haven’t considered those choices? Nobody wants to be publicly shamed (with the exception of all those self loathing comedians out there) and know full well that an argument that flies in the face of what’s been presented as truth is going to be met with a certain level of rectitude from the right.

The problem with all of this is that in an age where we have an opportunity to right wrongs, to change the past and to forge a new future via our wide open and transparent mediums via the internet — more and more people have burrowed a hole in the dirt and have become spectators, choosing to let a few fight it out. Meanwhile governments and corporations are changing the world we live in and eroding our rights. Dangerous diseases and afflictions are rising at ever alarming rates. Religious groups are continuing on their hate filled quests to silence dissension and free choice around the world.

We’re still worried about what Kim Kardashian is wearing…



The Bastard
The Bastard

Written by The Bastard

Pushing Buttons. It’s What I Do.

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