Mandela — The Flat Earth

The Bastard
8 min readFeb 2, 2017

There’s a good chance you’ve heard of both - The Mandela effect and the resurgence surrounding the topic of a flat Earth. This may have prompted you to read further…you may even consider both these topics nonsense. However, if you believe in one; there’s a very good chance you believe in the other.

The bigger question surrounding both these topics is — why now? They have caught traction almost simultaneously and there seems to be recent evidence that the two are connected. This brings me to what could be one of the most difficult blogs I’ve ever written. Not just because the subject matter is so controversial but because combined, they suggest a story of control. Control of you and me, leading to the bigger questions — why and, who has or wants the control?

In the past 12 weeks, there has been a significant transformation in the way I perceive the world, process information and listen to those around me. The noise has subsided, somewhat. My cognitive process has been woken (more so than normal) and perhaps it’s because I can see what’s coming. I predicted Trump would win, almost a year ago. This was an unwavering prediction.

My prediction for the future is that we will enter one of the most tumultuous times in the past century. War, on a global level is certain and as I write this, Trump is letting Iran know, in no uncertain terms, that a reckoning is coming. Tense relations with Russia and, Russia’s alliance with Iran will be the perfect catalyst to what many in the 1% may view as a necessary evil. Throughout our history, global economic uncertainty (America’s rising 20 trillion dollar debt) has almost always lead to war. It’s like burning down a forest so that forest can flourish at some point in the future.

This blog isn’t about the war that’s coming however. To stay on topic, I want to talk to you about both the Mandela Effect and the Flat Earth and how ultimately — they are connected.

It has taken me almost a month to collect all of my thoughts so that I could write this blog and it wasn’t until I saw this video that it all came together:

You may wonder why a cartoon that has been around for 27 years would influence my thoughts regarding this subject matter. Allow me to expound on my ideas with you.

The collaboration provided above is 20 minutes of pure genius, or madness. It would have taken significant resources and time to put together and an in depth knowledge of the cartoon. What it does, is effectively prove that something beyond our knowledge and perhaps means is happening in this reality.

Up until this point, the Mandela effect was just a fascinating and at times, humorous conversation with various friends and acquaintances, as we attempted to recollect the obvious and more famous of the effects. I can say with absolute certainty that 90% of the people I have talked to so far remember the old Earth. (if you’re not up on your Mandela, this may be a good time to google and do a little research) Then there are the 2 people, representing 10% of the pool that are what we call new Earthers. They, for whatever reason remember our current history.

There is a common thread. What I mean is; the 10% remember 6 people in the JFK vehicle, they remember “No, I am your father” and “Life was like a box of chocolates.” So their commitment to the new reality is consistent. While there are us old Earthers who may lack some of that consistency (I think brought on by self doubt) but still committed to those effects we know of to date.

The Simpsons: How does it fit? If you’ve watched the clip provided, it’s clear that the show’s creators did one of two things: A. They intentionally skewed and altered every famous event portrayed over the past 28 years or B.They inadvertently preserved history as it happened which would prove that as of today, we are living in an altered reality. A. would be easier to explain. It would mean that the 100’s of millions of people that have viewed the show over the decades were programmed with alternate versions of historical events. It’s not without merit either as the power of suggestion on the subconscious is easy and, quite effective.

An obvious question that comes from the A theory would be- why? What would Groening and the other producers, directors and writers have to gain by presenting us with an alternative history? Was it done with a wink and a nod? Or was it more nefarious? Some suggest that Matt is a high ranking member of the Masons and the Simpsons is a tool being used to rewire the collective consciousness. There’s only one problem with that theory: Not everyone is a Simpson’s fan. I stopped watching over ten years ago, having lost interest.

Which brings up point B - The Simpson’s remain unaltered and historically correct because of the fictitious nature of the show and it being a cartoon — not based on reality, just depictions of events that may have happened. There is credence to this theory; an example being James Earl Jones. The iconic line that almost everyone remembers from the Star War’s movie is “Luke, I am your father” but you won’t find this in any movie clip, no matter what format. The new reality being “No, I am your father.” The only exception is Mr. Jones, outside of the role as Darth Vader, on talk shows where he repeats the iconic line in a historically correct manner. If you’ve watched the Simpson’s clip, you will also notice that the line is spoken, as we remember, in a few episodes.

Flat Earth. How does it fit? This is a little more complex and touches on ideas about conditioning, manipulation and repetition. The Simpsons has covered the flat Earth, the firmament and other theories about our solar system in many episodes. Did they put the ideas in our heads or, were they merely working with the current narrative surrounding the flat Earth resurgence?

Let’s look past the Simpsons though. Historically, flat Earth theory has been around for longer than the heliocentric model. Buddhists created a map over 1100 years ago, depicting Earth and those worlds beyond the Antarctic borders. The globe Earth narrative has been a strong and scientifically accepted theory for well over 500 years and as theories about gravity and the solar system came about, the Heliocentric model became the accepted and only model. Unless you didn’t accept that theory.

There are a few scientists over the past hundred years that have held to flat Earth theories — Tesla being the most famous. Almost all were silenced and/or shamed and in the 1950’s — globes were introduced to every classroom in North America and scientific discussion about our system ended. The globe Earth and its solar system, the galaxies, the big bang and the expanding universe became the only accepted truth in the mainstream psyche.

Questioning a globe Earth is…well, just do it with anyone close to you. Whether it’s a work mate, a friend or a family member - the derision with which will come your way will test your resolve and perhaps your faith in humanity. The reaction from Globists ( Urban Dictionary recently approved my moniker for those believing a globe model) is usually severe and range from laughter, to humiliation to outright anger.

Truth be known — it’s the anger that drew me into the conversation. It was the high profile individuals making fun of the Flat Earthers that peaked my curiosity. Then, it was science.

Former President — Barack Obama brings up Flat Earth no less than 3 times in speeches, that I know of. These are documented with video. He uses ridicule to make his point and the Flat Earth Society is the brunt of his joke. This fueled my curiosity. If the idea of this world we inhabit being flat is so ridiculous, so contrary to science and wrong — why are so many people taking an interest.

You see what happens next is you start asking questions. And if you start asking the right questions, you find out that the answers are not so bizarre and outside the realm of possibility. The problem however is once you take the red pill, there really is no going back. The responsibility is significant. Question everything. There’s no choice. Someone is lying. Who?

Once you take the blinders off the world looks really different. You come to understand that conversation is not open and you need to pick your friends and those conversations carefully. The last thing 90% of the people on this plane want to hear is that they’ve been part of a global ruse. Attempting to change a person’s viewpoints on the very fabric of their existence is an almost impossible task. Think Neo in the Matrix…

That’s why I’m sitting here, first thing in the morning pounding out my worn, letters missing, tired keyboard. Actually, It was my wife. I brought her a coffee and hit her with the questions about the why. Normally, she’s interested in the status quo and won’t entertain thoughts that cloud her already complicated life. I peaked her curiosity while explaining how all the Mandela effects were documented within 28 years of Simpsons cartoons. Her response almost put me on my ass. “You know, there’s a theory that we may be living in a holographic, virtual reality…” she said nonchalantly while sipping on her coffee. “I read it somewhere.”

This idea was put forth by some MIT scientists almost a decade ago. I remember it clearly and trying to talk to people about it, being met with ridicule and laughter. It wasn’t the idea, so much as that while they didn’t vet the story, they found it unlikely that scientists would come up with such an absurd theory. End of conversation.

Those same people might sit up and take notice today. I’m not sure. What I do know is the sharing of information, the way it is transmitted via media and the internet — these are things shaping the collective consciousness. Ten years ago, ideas about living in a hologram were folly. Today, they’re considered fringe but plausible and by people you wouldn’t expect. CERN and the Biggs Hoson (physics is hard btw) have opened up new ideas about the universe and the “god particle” which has furthered conversation. People are far more open to the idea that we have parallel dimensions and that gravity is no longer the constant we once thought. But where do these ideas gain traction? They still aren’t teaching them in schools. How is it we are starting to accept that which was considered ridiculous and science fiction only a decade ago?

What I do know today is there are way more questions than answers. Nasa and the whole space industry is suspect. The government is suspect and as the corporations work harder to shut down free speech on the net, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Pandora’s box has been opened.

This has been the toughest blog I have ever written. If for no other reason, than that doubt, about my thoughts on this subject, are now out in the open for further consternation.

If you’re not up on your Flat Earth research but may be interested, here’s a “Flat Earth For Dummies” video that gives some insight as to why it’s gaining traction.

There is nothing so dangerous, as a closed mind.



The Bastard
The Bastard

Written by The Bastard

Pushing Buttons. It’s What I Do.

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