Deniers And The Effect On Civilization
A bomb went off in my head today.
It was a series of thoughts about what we choose to believe and, what we choose to deny. And — that said, the difference between a denier and a believer is a world or perhaps — worlds apart.
My hope in the next few paragraphs is to demonstrate that deniers are the scourge of society, always looking to disprove or put a spin on anything that presents as truth. The more readily plausible, the bigger the chance the denier will be there to tell you it never happened, it doesn’t work or a secret society of people are secretly prohibiting its progress.
Let’s start with a relatively easy one. There’s a cure for cancer. Believers would never take you down this road. Scientists and researchers are working full steam in a race to eliminate one of the most deadly diseases known to man and believers know and understand this. A denier will tell you that they’re hiding the cure or that marijuana, some exotic fruit from the South, vitamins, baking soda or any number of readily available items can and will cure the big C. Yet strangely, even the richest people in the world die from the disease. You’d think with all their money and influence that they would have an in but no, they’re dying just like everyone else.
How about vaccinations? Billions of dollars in scientific study and collaboration with think tanks and universities around the world all echoing the same sentiments: vaccines save lives. Believers understand this fact. The simple truth. People that deny it are stupid. Yet, these anti-vaxxers don’t know they’re stupid. They keep talking. Meanwhile, their dangerous ideas about vaccines and autism and all this other shit is threatening the very existence of the programs and those companies that work so hard to produce the life saving medicines so desperately needed. Most believers want deniers to die, and rightly so.
Gun control. It’s a big one and the believers know the truth — guns kill people. If people didn’t have the fucking guns, nobody would die. Yet, the deniers have ideas about everyone owning a gun, thinking that doubling down will eliminate the likelihood that they will be killed by a criminal because they can protect themselves. The facts again, are quite clear. Violence and gun deaths are highest in areas where guns are legal. Murder rates are off the charts. Deniers aren’t interested in these facts. They want you to believe that your right to bear arms are more important than lives. Again, deniers should just shut up. Let the police and military do their job and perhaps you should go back to do contributing to society in some useful way.
911. Seriously. Only a denier would think this up. Some powerful Illuminati types sitting in the shadows blowing up perfectly good shit so they can start wars and collect big insurance checks. A believer has more common sense than this and will present facts — pages and pages of facts that show the science of how all those buildings came down and how the planes flew into the towers. The proof is overwhelming but the denier will go to their tried and true conspiracy websites that have no legitimate affiliations to actual news gathering organisations — and they’ll tell you that those buildings were detonated. I’m mean, the idea is simply crazy. And to what end? To create dissension among the masses and a distrust for government? How is that even remotely helpful. But what do you expect from an anti-vaxxer and the likes.
Sandy Hook. Are you fucking kidding me? Again, deniers should shut up and go crawl under a rock.
Obesity. There is nothing clearer to a believer when it comes to one of the most dangerous problems facing mankind today. Believers know that lazy people are putting themselves at risk yet, a denier will tell you that it’s a conspiracy. The food is poisoned and tricking fat people into eating more... It’s interesting how the more ridiculous the notion, the louder a denier gets. The idea that the government is conspiring to keep fat people sick and unhealthy by recommending food that does just that. What planet are deniers coming from? Obesity could be eliminated if fat people exercised and ate more fat free, healthy options. You hear that denier? It’s pretty fucking simple.
Global warming. Believers really look in shock when a denier exclaims that global warming isn’t real or that mankind isn’t responsible. It doesn’t matter that thousands upon thousands of scientists from around the world have done millions of hours researching global warming and have data to prove that we are destroying this planet. No, a denier will tell you that 1 scientist in Hobokken has written a paper that shows us that global warming isn’t real. Again, their tool of choice to craft their conspiracies is via websites with no legitimate ties to anyone or anything in the legitimate scientific community.
Terrorism. It’s everywhere. Believers know that if they aren’t proactive now, the world is going to be radicalized and everyone will be forced to follow sharia law or some other radical muslim belief. A denier will tell you that there’s virtually no evidence of terrorism in the free world and that the government just wants you to be scared so that they can justify going into those countries and blowing the shit out of them. The only way to fight fire is with fire. Our government doesn’t need to justify these actions. Their job is to protect us and do it with any means necessary. A denier would rather we wait around to be killed by a fanatic than to deal with this real and deadly issue.
There are two types of people in the world: The believers and the deniers. You’re one or the other. You can’t be both. If the general consensus via our government, the media we trust and the scientific communities we put our faith in put the same story forth — then it is true and a believer must be compelled to believe this truth.
A denier is not bound by rules and essentially forfeits the right to pick and choose what they will believe. Either you believe the status quo or you’re a danger to society and should be squashed — like a bug. That’s why believers must work that much harder to shut the deniers up at every turn. There’s no place for them in this world and their ideas will do nothing but cause conversations and dialogue that could challenge the establishment. It’s simple heresy.
The thought I had going into this blog was how to address the way we deal with information and process it. 10 years ago, I believed that the social media platform would revolutionize the world by creating multiple arenas for open discussion and ideas. Yet, its effect to this time has been exactly opposite. You only need to look at the media to see the glaring examples in politics. Donald Trump should be the wake up call…unfortunately, the bulk of the work in trying to wake up the masses is left to the deniers. And they’re such easy targets. Don’t you think?
So here I am with humble skill — putting words together on a page — trying to find a way to effectively offend every single person that reads this page.
You may think it’s OK to bully someone who doesn’t agree with your beliefs or what you consider societal norm. You may think it’s normal to humiliate the person that speaks out against something because it makes you feel uncomfortable. The problem with squashing conversation however, no matter how polarizing, is the action becomes the norm. And people are silenced. They tend to stay that way because fear is so compelling.
I believe this explains the phenomenon that is Trump. Everybody has an opinion about this man, who is arguably the most dangerous public figure since Hitler but — the majority of the opinions being heard are coming from those that have the art of one sided conversation down to a fine art. They are the people promoting hatred and fear — brandishing it like a mighty chalice — waving it in the face of reason and reasonable discourse.
Fortunately for me, there is scientific evidence about what I’m saying and it’s called “Spiral of Silence” and it’s a theory I knew absolutely nothing of until this very moment as I scoured the web looking for a decent quote to end my blog on — in regards to silencing the masses. So I’ll finish on this note and you can check out the link below: