Conspiracy This

The Bastard
9 min readJun 20, 2016


It’s a fine line. Like a tight rope walker, taking a path from point A to B, with all the perils that come from traversing that fine line — without a net or the luxury of a safety line — that is what it’s like to discuss conspiracies. It’s understood that from time to time, you’ll fall. It ain’t pretty. But, we don’t always fall and maybe, that’s what keeps us coming back.

What’s the objective of a conspiracist? (how is that not a word?) Ever ask yourself why one would allow themselves to be ridiculed or publicly ostracized for taking the path less traveled? What’s in it for those people who choose to look at world events through different lenses?

You’re probably thinking to yourself: “It’s all about fame.” Everyone wants that elusive warhol 15 even though it’s almost impossible to achieve. Or maybe, it’s simple stupidity from people who can’t put a single reasonable thought together and instead choose to look for ghosts where they don’t exist. Then again, maybe you don’t give the conspiracy nut much thought at all…instead, choosing to ignore the insanity of a person that can’t follow the rules.

Rules. Ya, I’ve always had a problem with authority and the status quo. I’m getting better. You get to a certain age where you realize it’s easier to go along than to constantly fight against the stream. I haven’t given up though. No lying down and taking what I’m given. It’s not like I want to be difficult…umm, mostly. Naw, I like being difficult and honestly, it’s impossible to control where my mind goes when presented with certain facts.

I have a problem. I’m like an elephant. All those stupid little facts and pieces of information stay in my head. It’s not like I’m a genius (far from it) as put to task studying for an exam, I fold like a cheap deck of cards. But, information zooming across the great digital universe seems to stick to my brain like a fly in a web. (see what I did there?)

So my process is different. I might miss the small print on a sale sign as I gleefully run to the counter asking for my free product that wasn’t actually free at all but, throw controversy at me — 911, Sandy Hook — Orlando and my brain turns into this super computer. I literally spent the better part of 30 hours watching every video, snippet of news, interview and visiting every single conspiracy page relating to Orlando that hasn’t been shut down on the web.

Why? I ask you to take another close look at the meme at the top of the page. Forget that it’s a man in one of the most reviled uniforms in the history of our civilization but rather focus on the words. Then take a look at where the focus has been almost immediately in the wake of the shooting. Gun control. Never has a government been more moved to limit or take guns away from its citizens than in this latest event.

The event was striking, to say the least. All the talking points were hit — Islamophobia, terrorism, mass killing, automatic weapons and a direct shot a the gay community. Within a few days, the media cooled to the story (probably a record for time) as the focus shifted and people started moving about their business. Except government. They filibustered into the wee hours of the morning to draft a bill (probably also a record) that could eventually be the beginning to the end of their second amendment. And the citizens asked for it…well, a lot of citizens did.

The truth doesn’t matter. The fact that homicides by gun have dropped dramatically since the 90’s. The fact that Orlando wasn’t the worst, 2nd worst or even 3rd worst mass killing in American history. The fact that over 60% of gun deaths in the United States can be attributed to suicide. Nope, these aren’t the talking points that push gun control bills through.

You want people to support a bill that could eventually disarm American citizens, you scare the shit out of them. It’s really that easy.

Truth is stranger than fiction so most people will accept a fictional account of an event if it seems more reasonable. Because, really — who could possibly believe that a government would partake in activities that would deceive or fool its citizens?

The data surrounding 9/11 is astounding. There is so much actual proof to suggest that it was an act perpetrated by its own government, it’s terrifying. Firstly, to think that a government could be complicit in the act of so many people dying and, that they could use it as the precursor to destroy a country that played no part in their theatrics. Of course, facts aren’t enough when discussing conspiracy — you need mainstream media to back up your claims or, you’re just a nut job looking for attention.

The irony of the world we live in today is that information for everything going on (real or staged) is readily available. If you have the time to go digging. If you actually care. Knowing this takes careful consideration of 2 facts: 1. There are two sides to every story 3. Number 2 only exists if you believe it does.

Yes, there is a certain commitment needed to harbour a healthy mistrust of government and mainstream media but once you make that conscious decision, something remarkable happens — you ask a lot of fucking questions. And unfortunately, there are going to be way more questions than answers. Once you accept this along with the hate messages and eye rolling, you’re well on your way to becoming an advocate for the truth or, the truth as you see it.

And here, for your amusement or other is a list of my top 10 conspiracies.

  1. 9/11 *
  2. Iraq’s WMD (yes, it could be included under the 9/11 umbrella but with the horrific loss of life over there, it seems a disservice.
  3. Aliens (It’s difficult to talk about your belief in a world where a lot of people will only admit it to themselves or in private chats.)
  4. Palestinians in Israel (what qualifies as genocide these days?)
  5. Holistic practitioners (50 killed and counting) Even the press is having a hard time explaining this one away
  6. Bilderberg (really, you’ve never heard of it?)
  7. Codex Aluminatreus (How to poison the food supply and get away with it)
  8. Sandy Hook *(so much damning evidence that it’s impossible to even speculate the how and why)
  9. Jade Helm
  10. Orlando *

*denotes false flag operation

Orlando is the latest to make my list and probably the most fascinating for me. The video footage clearly tells a story that doesn’t match up with what’s being reported. Timelines are skewed and the information provided within a hour of the event clearly give rise to a conversation about a false flag operation. While not all events can be labeled this way, I think it’s important to understand that they (false flags) are happening all around us and it’s grand theater designed to push buttons and help governments reach agendas.

The reason Orlando stands out for me is they (the media) named the perpetrator even before the police had breached the building and claimed he was Muslim and a terrorist and acting alone. The media reported 20 people were killed hours before police and rescuers were able to survey the carnage. They claimed that while the perpetrator was in the act, he took time to call 911 and proclaim his loyalty to two groups, two groups that vehemently oppose each other. It’s estimated he shot over 300 rounds of ammo with two weapons that he would have had to get past security with all that ammunition. He worked for GS4 security and had been on a detail to Saudi with the New York Police Department.

There is video footage (very little has survived this past week via editing and redaction) that shows “victims” hanging out at a staging area a few blocks away before everyone jumps into action and starts carrying those victims down the street past a camera. The most damning tell in this is they walked the victims from a block away and towards the Pulse nightclub. Seems counter intuitive, no?

Crisis actors. So many it’s hard to tell what’s real and isn’t. The two that make the top of the list are Christine Leinonen who has a bizarre youtube video up of her begging to get on a game show and talking about how amazing she would be(truly chilling). Then we see her on the news being interviewed as it’s clear she’s reading off a script and could barely remember the name of her son when asked. Grief? 2 days later she’s with Anderson Cooper and looks like she hit the “I’m on TV jackpot” as her demeanor and mood would suggest she took copious amount of drugs to be that happy. I can’t make this stuff up. The other notable is Luis Burbano (you will find him in the IMDB database) and he is an actor.

Now don’t get me wrong — I’m no psychologist but we’ve all seen enough instances of grief to see what that looks like but within hours, Burbano is doing an interview on ABC and not only looks calm and collected but offers up so much erroneous information that you can’t help think that he’s lying.

One fact is known throughout the world that people who are telling the truth, get to the truth and that’s the only information you’ll get from them. It’s on point and is free of clutter. This guy went off on so many tangents that it clearly looks like a performance, perhaps the performance of his life.

And before you ask that ever important question — how could they possibly keep this all secret with so many people knowing? Well, the beauty of it is, crisis acting is an actual gig and these people get paid well and (let me put some conjecture in here) no doubt sign confidentiality agreements that would probably result in serious consequences having to do with national security if they breached those agreements…and so on, and so forth. And, if nobody actually got killed and this was just theater in order to create a narrative that would ultimately be for the good of the people…

Look, if you’re still here you’re either intrigued or you’re wondering what nonsense I’ll come up with next while you eat your popcorn. Those 10 points are a list of conspiracies. I can’t prove any of them and it’s doubtful anyone can. What I can do is add a narrative that suggests we need to be paying close attention to what’s going on in the world. What I believe with all of my heart is that we are heading into very dangerous times with an economy that is no longer sustainable. I believe in my heart that police forces around the world are being militarized in order that in the event of a global economic collapse, it will be easier to control and enforce marshal law.

Paranoia? Not really. I’m 52 so if this happens in my lifetime, I’ll consider myself lucky enough to have witnessed one of the more remarkable times in human history and have lived long enough to have little if any regrets.

Let’s be honest here — a 100 years from now, nobody is going to care that a guy from Calgary Alberta was right about what was coming or that he had profound insights into the way governments were operating. They won’t care because quite frankly, they won’t be alive. It would be nice to think everyone would wake from their slumbers and rise up but that’s not going to happen. Donald Trump is the perfect example of where we are headed. To not see the parallels between what hitler did and what he’s doing will be our ultimate undoing. I’ve realized I’m in no position to change this.

It’s like watching someone in a bad relationship. You want to save them but ultimately, you know it’s not your place and your meddling will never get the results you hoped. So, all I can really do is share my thoughts to page and maybe some of this will resonate with a few of you.

One last thing I’d like to leave you with because the internet is a wonderful cornucopia of information. A video of a classroom directing crisis actors. It’s quite remarkable.



The Bastard
The Bastard

Written by The Bastard

Pushing Buttons. It’s What I Do.

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