An Open Letter To Those People That Hate Guns
I have a story.
Ok, first things first. There are approximately 4,000 people (give or take) combined on my social media platforms and, I’m going to make a bold assumption here — none of you have ever been assaulted or murdered by a gun.
Now, law of averages states that with over 4,000 people (give or take) in one’s circle of “friends” that chances are, someone is going to have a connection to someone else that has been a victim of gun violence.
But that’s not you. Is it.
I understand the hysteria. Trust me, I really do but here’s the thing; there’s more to fear from a government that currently doesn’t give a rat’s ass about your well being. No, the truth is — that the one entity that is supposed to represent us in a Democratic nation ( I can’t make this shit up) no longer answers to you. We live in a Plutocracy. Don’t know what this is? Well, look it the fuck up already. Google isn’t there solely for your meme enjoyment.
There are times where I get a little hysterical myself. It’s just that…well, people be talking all this shit about “we need more gun legislation and there’s too many goddam guns in the world.” Well, this is the fucking truth. There are too many goddam guns in the world.
What’s really scary is that most of these guns are in the hands of the wrong people.
Say what?
Ya. Besides the fact that criminals will always have access to guns — just like they’ll always have access to drugs and prostitution and gambling and so on…guns aren’t going anywhere.
The scariest thing about guns is not the enormous amount of money spent by our governments on arming our military to deal with the various wars our governments started or, at the very least contributed to — we now have one of the most armed and tactically trained police forces in the world. (Referring to North America)
With crime rates going down statistically year after year — one should at least ask the question as to why the police need to have military grade weaponry and training.
But no, you’re not asking that. You’re in hysterics because some person you don’t know personally was killed by a bad person with a gun. Never mind that 12 other people died earlier that week from knife inflicted wounds or that 20 women who ended up dying from domestic violence or how about cancer which is now on the precipice of attacking 1 in every 2 people in our life time.
No, you’re more concerned about a possible threat from a violent act that you may or may not ever be victim to.
Here’s the thing see — if the shit hits the fan in this so fantastic world we’re living in where we are currently watching (here in Canada) a recession play out and real people with real jobs and real lives are being heavily impacted — and you at some point decide that you’ve had enough of the tyranny imposed by the 1% who control the world’s finances and markets — those who have steered the economy on its current crash course…
Do I need to spell it out? You don’t have a gun? Well good for you. Guess what? I don’t have a gun either. If the shit hits the fan, you better be ready for what’s coming because, and even if I’m wrong and this whole cycle passes as quickly as it came, you have to understand that democratic countries all over the world are setting up a fail safe scenario where, if shit hits the fan — all bets are off and you will have no choice but to accept the fate dealt to you. That’s why our governments are investing so heavily in prisons and interment camps and more importantly — heavy, mind blowing artillery.
What does that look like? I have vivid memories of my Grandparents stories about standing in bread lines and living in poverty. The rich didn’t get any less richer and back then, the police and the government were there to protect the interests of the rich much like they are here to do in present day. Ya, it sure didn’t pay to be poor back then.
The big difference now is that people are smarter. People are armed. If the shit hits the proverbial fan, the war on our soil won’t be some Muslim screaming Allah and attempting to blow up your local bus station. It will be people you know, perhaps your neighbor that has decided it better to die fighting for liberty than to live under the tyranny of a corporate run government. And you? You’ll stand in that bread line, remembering your heartfelt commitment to removing guns from average, law abiding citizens, contrite in your acceptance that it’s just another cycle.
In 15 minutes I’ll be 51. I don’t have any children. My lovely wife and I have a couple of cute dogs. Our fate is in the hands of this uncertain future and death isn’t all that scary. Living in tyranny? That terrifies. As it should you. But perhaps this will all subside, just like a mild bout of indigestion.
This is my acerbic take on the world.
Thanks for reading.